Jelang Balapan MotoGP Mandalika 2024, Mediasi Lahan Helipad Gagal: Situasi Semakin Mencekam 

Berita Istana - Kamis, 5 September 2024 06:03
Foto istimewa Channel YouTube SuaralombokNews
Foto istimewa Channel YouTube SuaralombokNews


Lombok Tengah – Balapan MotoGP Mandalika 2024 yang akan digelar pada 27-29 September mendatang kembali menarik perhatian publik. Namun, di balik kemegahan Sirkuit Mandalika, Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat, masih ada masalah lahan yang belum terselesaikan, memunculkan ketegangan di kalangan warga setempat.

Dalam sebuah video berdurasi 3:48 menit yang diunggah di kanal YouTube SuaralombokNews, terlihat suasana ricuh usai mediasi lahan helipad di kawasan tersebut. Puluhan warga yang terlibat dalam mediasi tersebut terlibat kericuhan saat turun dari tangga setelah pertemuan, yang gagal mencapai kesepakatan.

Selain tanah untuk helipad, masih ada lahan lain di kawasan Sirkuit Mandalika yang belum dibayarkan, termasuk milik Mili Dewi Ratna Ayu dan Amaq Maye. Hal ini disampaikan oleh Warsito, Direktur Utama PT Berita Istana Negara, yang turut mengomentari situasi tersebut. Menurutnya, permasalahan ini seharusnya segera diselesaikan sebelum gelaran besar MotoGP, agar tidak mencoreng nama baik kawasan dan Indonesia di mata dunia.

Kejadian ini bahkan semakin mencekam ketika Kepala GM The Mandalika, Wahyu HW, tertimpa tas dokumen tanah saat berusaha keluar dari lokasi mediasi. Peristiwa tersebut menggambarkan ketegangan yang terjadi di tengah persiapan akhir jelang perhelatan internasional.

Dengan hanya beberapa hari menjelang balapan MotoGP, situasi di Sirkuit Mandalika Lombok Tengah masih diselimuti ketidakpastian terkait hak kepemilikan tanah, yang memerlukan perhatian serius dari pihak berwenang agar penyelenggaraan MotoGP dapat berjalan lancar tanpa adanya gangguan lebih lanjut.

The 2024 Mandalika MotoGP race to be held on September 27-29 has again attracted public attention. However, behind the splendor of the Mandalika Circuit, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, there are still unresolved land issues, causing tension among local residents.

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In a 3:48 minute video uploaded to the SuaralombokNews YouTube channel, a chaotic atmosphere can be seen after the mediation of the helipad land in the area. Dozens of residents involved in the mediation were involved in the riot when they came down the stairs after the meeting, which failed to reach an agreement.

In addition to the land for the helipad, there is still other land in the Mandalika Circuit area that has not been paid for, including that belonging to Mili Dewi Ratna Ayu and Amaq Maye. This was conveyed by Warsito, President Director of PT Berita Istana Negara, who also commented on the situation. According to him, this problem should be resolved immediately before the big MotoGP event, so as not to tarnish the good name of the region and Indonesia in the eyes of the world.

This incident was even more tense when the Head of GM The Mandalika, Wahyu HW, was hit by a land document bag while trying to leave the mediation location. The incident illustrates the tension that occurred amidst the final preparations for the international event.

With only a few days to go until the MotoGP race, the situation at the Mandalika Circuit, Central Lombok is still shrouded in uncertainty regarding land ownership rights, which requires serious attention from the authorities so that the MotoGP can run smoothly without further disruption.



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