Upon Instructions of the King of Morocco, the Asharif Bayt Mal Al-Quds Agency Launches Humanitarian Operations in the Holy City of Jerusalem during Ramadan

Berita Istana - Sabtu, 16 Maret 2024 10:40

Jerusalem – Upon the instructions of the King of Morocco, His Majesty King Muhammad VI, who is the Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee, the Asharif Bayt Mal Al-Quds Agency carried out a humanitarian aid operation, on Thursday (14 March 2024) in the Holy City of Jerusalem. The activity was held in the open fields of the Augusta Victoria Hospital (Al Mutlaa), in the presence of the director in charge for the management of the institution, Mohamed Salem Echarkaoui. Present at this event were several religious figures, prominent figures from Al-Quds (Jerusalem – ed), and representatives of social institutions.

Al-Quds Bayt Mal Agency stated, in a statement, that this operation is part of the high level of attention that His Majesty King Mohammed VI continues to pay to the city of Al-Quds and its residents. Through the role played by the agency, under the direct supervision of the King of Morocco, for more than a quarter of a century they have contributed to the improvement of the socio-economic situation of the population of Al-Quds and to the support of the city’s institutions.

This humanitarian assistance consists of the distribution of 2,000 food baskets for 2,000 families in need, including 22 basic necessities products. Some of the assistance is intended for children and others for people participating in fasting.

This also includes the distribution of 1,000 portions of food every day, which helps meet the majority of beneficiaries’ food needs in this blessed month. Assistance is provided mainly to those registered in the list of partner associations and who are hospitalized or living in shelters.

The agency has taken into account, in managing food aid distribution operations, several special regulations as well as a schedule determined taking into account the situation in Al-Quds. The agency also enforces strict compliance with product safety and hygiene conditions.

Beneficiaries of basic food assistance are spread across various Al-Quds neighborhoods, such as al-Balda al-Qadima, Silwan, Sheikh Jarrah, Shu’fat camp, ath-Thori, Al-Isawiya, Qalandia camp, and Al-Ram. 

Atas Instruksi Raja Maroko, Badan Asharif Bayt Mal Al-Quds Meluncurkan Operasi Kemanusiaan di Kota Suci Jerusalem selama Ramadhan

Jerusalem – Atas instruksi Raja Maroko, Yang Mulia King Muhammad VI, yang merupakan Ketua Komite Al-Quds, Badan Asharif Bayt Mal Al-Quds melakukan operasi bantuan kemanusiaan, pada Kamis (14 Maret 2024) di Kota Suci Jerusalem. Kegiatan tersebut diadakan di lapangan terbuka Rumah Sakit Augusta Victoria (Al Mutlaa), di hadapan direktur yang bertanggung jawab atas manajemen lembaga tersebut, Mohamed Salem Echarkaoui. Hadir dalam acara ini beberapa tokoh agama, tokoh terkemuka dari Al-Quds (Jerusalem – red), dan perwakilan lembaga sosial.

Badan Bayt Mal Al-Quds menyatakan, dalam sebuah pernyataan, bahwa operasi ini adalah bagian dari perhatian tinggi yang terus-menerus diberikan oleh Yang Mulia King Mohammed VI kepada kota Al-Quds dan penduduknya. Melalui peran yang dimainkan oleh badan tersebut, di bawah pengawasan langsung Raja Maroko, selama lebih dari seperempat abad mereka telah berkontribusi pada perbaikan situasi sosial-ekonomi penduduk Al-Quds dan untuk mendukung institusi kota.

Bantuan kemanusiaan ini terdiri dari distribusi 2.000 keranjang makanan untuk 2.000 keluarga yang membutuhkan, termasuk 22 produk kebutuhan pokok. Sebagian bantuan diperuntukan bagi anak-anak dan lainnya untuk masyarakat yang mengikuti ibadah puasa.

Hal ini juga mencakup pendistribusian 1.000 porsi makanan setiap hari, yang membantu memenuhi sebagian besar kebutuhan pangan para penerima manfaat di bulan penuh berkah ini. Bantuan diberikan terutama kepada mereka yang terdaftar dalam daftar asosiasi mitra dan yang dirawat di rumah sakit atau tinggal di tempat penampungan.

Badan tersebut telah mempertimbangkan, dalam mengelola operasi distribusi bantuan makanan, beberapa peraturan khusus serta jadwal yang ditentukan dengan mempertimbangkan situasi di Al-Quds. Badan itu juga menerapkan kepatuhan yang ketat terhadap kondisi keamanan dan kebersihan produk.

Penerima manfaat bantuan sembako tersebar di berbagai lingkungan Al-Quds, seperti al-Balda al-Qadima, Silwan, Syekh Jarrah, kubu Shu’fat, ath-Thori, Al-Isawiya, kubu Qalandia, dan Al-Ram. (PERSISMA/Red)


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